Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time Lapse video of Food Spoiling

BBC Series "Bang Goes the Theory" takes a time lapse video of food rotting

Nuclear Energy by Smithers

An early Simpsons episode explains (roughly) how nuclear energy works.

The Elements Song

The elements song. We all know it. We all love it.

Up and Atom!

This has always been a favourite of mine. Not too sure how to fit it in, but I will one day.

Its pronounced "Nuculer"

Homer Explains the "proper" pronunciation of "nuclear".

That's a Paddlin'

Explaining the rules to your class? At least you won't be as strict as Jasper!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Why we need a science education

In this video CNN reporter Nancy Grace argues with meterologist Bernie Rayno about the effects of radiation from Japan crossing the Pacific to reach the west coast of the US. I think this would be a great video to show your students if they ever ask "why do we need to know science?", at which point, you can say "so we don't sound like her!"

This could also be great for discussing alternate energy sources in the grade 12 chemistry energy and rates unit, or any environmental discussion.

Christopher Walken reads Good Night Moon

Not really an educational clip, but definitely a must-have!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Each asteroid's discovery in the Kuiper Belt from 1980 to 2010. I think the result will shock you!

"There has to be a better way!" Segue

A clip from Friends. A great segue if you have a simpler method of doing something!

Simpsons on Perpetual Motion

Homer Simpson on the Laws of Thermodynamics

The Food Chain

Troy McClure Explains the Food Chain

Speed of Light

Einstein Measures the speed of light from the Animaniacs!


Every now and then I throw a little short clip into my the middle of my slides to make a point or to segue (hey that's the name of my dog!) to the next idea. It takes a couple of minutes to take the source video, edit it, publish it to youtube, and download it as a .flv video (because SMART Notebook only takes .flv), so I figured I'd save everyone else some time and just post my videos here!

If you have an idea for a segue clip then just let me know some how (I haven't looked at all the features of blogger) and I'll see if I can get it done. Alternatively, if you'd like to contribute your segue to I Have a Dog Named Segue, then let me know and I'll get that all set up!
